回想60年前1956年王光兄(Glenn)與我及其他約九十位同學一起進入台大土木系念書,經過四年的同窗生活,接著我們同批去服預備軍官役。民國五十年(1961)年大家一起服役滿,各奔前程。當時王光兄因大學成績非常優異(前3%)且年青力壯,獲得李氏獎學金到美國加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley)進修土木工程碩士及博士學位專長於結構工程設計及施工。由於他很聰明又用功很快地於1967年就完成博士學位,後即在美國大工程顧問公司(Kaiser,Bechtel)任高級工程師而受重用,大小工程設計不少,約經十多年。由於工作効力高表現優異,隨後受聘到台灣逹欣工程公司任總經理(President of the Company),主持許多重要工程建設。如遠東企業大樓(台北著名高樓之一,遠東集團總部大樓),及許多重要的公寓大樓等貢獻良多。歷經在臺灣服務於工程界約快十多年,具有輝煌成就之後,見好就收,即決定提早退休,回美國與嫂夫人過著悠雅退休生活。
台灣大學及UC Berkeley能有王光兄這位能為美國工程界也為台灣工程界貢獻的校友,而讓同學及親友倍感非常光榮。王光兄與夫人相依為命恩愛如初,享有退休悠雅生活,且兒女均甚為孝順且成功,家庭和樂。
如今王光兄(Glenn)蒙 上帝恩召,安息主懐。願他在天家之靈一切平安!(清泉字)
[In Memory of Dr Glenn Wang]
Sixty some years ago in 1956. We, over
90 young men at that time ( 3 of us are here today), entered the National
Taiwan University together in the Civil Engineering department. We spent 4
years together until 1960. In 1962, after
one year of military service, Glenn started his graduate study at University of
California at Berkeley, majored in Civil and Structural Engineering. In 1967 he finished his Ph D degree and joined
Kaiser Engineering Company, and then Bechtel Corporation in the San Francisco
Bay area. In mid 1980’s he was sent by
Bechtel to Taiwan to work as a chief Engineer for Nuclear Power plant projects
in Taiwan in a joint US/Taiwan effort. Later
in early 1990’s he joined Da Hsing Engineering in Taiwan as the president of
the company. In late 1990’s He took an
early retirement to return to his family in California. After long years of struggle with illness, we
are deeply sorry that he has now left us and going to another world.
We admire his wisdom and his energy in
devoting over 40 years of successful career with outstanding contribution to
engineering projects in the US and in Taiwan. We are proud that we had such an
outstanding friend and classmate; we will always remember him dearly in our
hearts.Classmates of National Taiwan University Civil Engineering 1960.
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